Кормление собак макаронами не рекомендуется из-за следующих причин:
Дешевые макароны, as well as instant noodles, may contain artificial additives and ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. Несварение и желудочные расстройства: Макароны, especially low-quality ones, can be difficult for dogs to digest, leading to gastrointestinal upset, constipation, and flatulence. Застревание между зубами и нёбом: Starchy remnants of pasta can get stuck between a dog’s teeth or adhere to their palate, causing discomfort and potentially leading to dental problems. Дополнительные советы: * If you choose to feed your dog pasta, opt for high-quality, whole-wheat pasta cooked al dente. * Mix pasta with other nutritious ingredients, such as lean protein and vegetables. * Limit the amount of pasta given as a treat and avoid making it a regular part of a dog’s diet. * Cooked pasta is preferred over raw pasta, as it is easier for dogs to digest.